Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Thinking Ahead.

I'm starting school again this Friday, and I am really, really excited about it! It will be pretty intensive though, as I am enrolled in a two year course and I'm planning to finish it in only one. There's a reason for our time crunch, one that I'll get to another day. Anyway, in additon to that, I also got hired to facilitate a series of parent workshops (Lunch N Learns, per se) at a local children's playcenter. I'm also making a delivering meals to three new moms over the coming weeks. Oh, and I'm running a meeting for the local MOMS Club (I'm the co-president) and will be forming playgroups for the entire club. This is adding up to a real "EEK" on my part...I wasn't planning to put quite so much on my plate at once!

One of my bigger concerns, apart from just keeping the house running, is how will I get to any crafting during the next few months? I'm finding more and more that sewing, stamping, scrapbooking...it really has become my therapy and method of release. I'll just wither if I can never get to it.

So, in the spirit of planning ahead, I spent the snowy afternoon today preparing these little craft bags for myself...I made about 5 so far. Each one includes a pattern, and all the material already cut to complete it. In a few I also added the matching thread, buttons, whatever embellishments I might want, etc. This way, when the mood strikes, my babes are sleeping, my studying is done, and the stars are perfectly aligned, I can just take out a bag and whip it together quickly. I'm going to try to do the same thing with my scrapbooking, and set up a few layouts ahead of time so that I can put them together at a later date.

What do you think?

1 comment:

FillingMyQuiver said...

Umm.... hi... do you plan on NOT sleeping?!?! Or wait, I know, you'll study at playgroup, right?? Or at the HMN mtgs.... you're crazy woman!!! Too much, too much... call me before you need another *I need to coordinate something* fix, I'll talk you down, LOL. Smooches to the boys :0)