Saturday, March 10, 2007


Can you say "overwhelmed" five times fast? I feel SO frazzled and overwhelmed these days. School is really challenging me in many different ways - philosophically, as I make decisions regarding my belief systems with natural healing; intellectually, as I struggle to memorize loads of Latin terminology; and emotionally, as I try to balance missing my babies and not being able to put them to bed two nights a week. I miss them terribly while I am at class. My beloved's aggressive travel schedule has also been wearing on us (it's coming up on a year now). So - we are delighted to be heading off to a family vacation in Orlando, Florida! A friend had a condo available to be rented, so we snatched up the opportunity and cashed in some free flyer miles (M's got a lot - guess that travel is finally paying itself off!!).

Here's to a few more naps in the sun....

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