Monday, February 5, 2007

Let's go watch something!

It is COLD here. Seriously chilly. What that means, is a lot of time inside; and hence a lot of time in front of the television. I absolved myself of all TV guilt a couple months ago, and gosh, does it feel good! What I mean by that, is I no longer lament the time our count the hours that the boys are in front of the tube. I released all the guilt I was harboring about the baby seeing the TV before he was even a year old, or the fact that the big boy can recite certain movies line for line. Overall, I think I am pretty good mom. My love and I put our kids above everything else, we feed them well, purchase mostly organic foods, co-slept when each of them were babies, breastfed, practice gentle parenting (usually), we shower them with love and affection, and spend an awful lot of time playing with them. So, I've released the TV guilt.

But in addition to watching Toy Story three times the other day, we also made this fun fort our of sheets. Both boys loved it. We snuggled under there with pillows and read stories from the library. See, some non TV time!

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