Monday, August 20, 2007

things I love: water

I took my boys to a lake not far from our home last week. It was quiet and tranquil with only a few other moms and their kids there that day.

My little ones were really kind to one another (mostly) and I enjoyed watching them play together, and muse about how their fraternal bonds will change over the years. It made me miss my sister, whom I haven't seen for a couple weeks.

Especially with all the craziness and stress of our chosen hectic life, it was especially important to have a day with my kids spent enjoying the beautiful Earth we've been given...and the beautiful family we've been blessed with as well.

Monday, August 13, 2007

On the upswing

Things are improving over here...the weather has really been amazing, and we've been outdoors most of the time. Our schedule is fairly hectic the next few weeks, because I have quite a lot of clinic hours to do for school. This will take place pretty much every weekend until mid-September. It is hard work, but very gratifying. But the time spent with the boys has been wonderful, and today was no exception! Lots of laughter and happiness. R. told me the other night at bedtime "I miss you when you at school mama.". Oh baby, I miss you too.

Monday, August 6, 2007

have you seen this baby?

See, this is my older son, R...and he doesn't look like this anymore. Nor does he act quite like this anymore either. R. and I are deep in a power struggle these past few weeks, and my love and I aren't really sure how to get out of it. Every request, it seems, is met with defiance. His little brother is often at the receiving end of his frustration. Toys are thrown, voices yell, doors slam - and overall, it's not been a happy place to be.

This is not to say that we have not a happy home. Throughout the day, we read books, sing songs, exchange hugs and kisses, and more. This is why I've been feeling so confused. At times, I really feel like I've got the supermom act down - I try to provide a lot of opportunities for creative expression and open ended play. So this unacceptable behavior (and I say that phrase, OVER and OVER each day lately) is really, shall we say, ticking me off. M too. It's embarassing, even more so when it's in public. And boy, is it wearing me out.

Manners and discipline are very important to M. and I. We don't run a military school here or anything, but I like the way "Yes, ma'am" sounds. I also like it when children thank their elders and refer to them by last names. These are antiquated formalities, I know - but I think that they evoke a feeling of respect and gentility. I still refer to my elders as Mr. and Mrs. So and So, and I think I always will.

So, any tips to share on getting through this phase (and I do hope it's just that)? Or am I destined to be raising an unappreciative preschooler who will grow in to an unappreciative adult?